Shakti is the Divine Feminine life force that ceaselessly manifests, creates, and activates. Igniting this living power within us is the key for both men and women to achieve vital harmony, empowered peace and sacred union. Uniting forms of Tantra Yoga found in Indian, Tibetan and Hebrew sacred traditions, Padma Aon Prakasha reveals how to activate the power of Shakti by opening our 18 energetic pathways. Centered on the womb in women and the hara in men, The Power of Shakti links soul, body, emotions and sexual creative flow in potent experiential openings. In addition to in-depth practices, the author includes insights and experiences of both men and women as they activate the power of Shakti to activate our sacred sexual self.

“Power of Shakti is a book of hope and healing. It gives us the keys to heal the old wound resulting from the repression of the feminine power of the world. The emasculation of women which I call ‘the anti-ecstatic conspiracy’. The Power of Shakti offers a splendid way to liberate oneself on a personal as well as planetary level from the shackles of the anti ecstatic conspiracy. I recommend this book as a ‘must read’…”

Margot Anand, Author of The Art of EveryDay Ecstasy.

“Padma Aon Prakasha is a rare find. He has the unique ability to transport your body, mind and soul to the next octave of consciousness with his words of wisdom, heartfelt questions, and vast love for everyone he meets. Padma’s ability to tap into the heart of the ancient mysteries and to articulate their modern day message to we humans is amazing. This work is revolutionary and is bound to open the gates that have kept us from our true power as both men and women. Reading this material or attending his seminars and retreats will rock your world and monumental change is always imminent once being in his presence.”

Linda Star Wolf, Founding Director of Venus Rising Institute for Shamanic Healing Arts, Co Author of Shamanic Mysteries of EgyptShamanic Shakti, and The Anubis Oracle Deck.

The innovative practice of The Shakti Circuit designed for women and men to enhance inner power: 

  • Reveals how to activate your sacred sexual self and find your soul mission
  • Shows how to access the wisdom of the Galactic Center
  • Explains why men need The Power of Shakti to connect with the Divine Masculine