by Padma Aon Prakasha
‘In India, SHAKTI IS THE creative power of life-force energy—the flow that connects your body, mind, and soul. The Shakti Circuit is a way of establishing an ideal flow of this life-force energy via eighteen pathways that we can access in our bodies.
Padma Aon Prakasha continues: ‘ The Shakti Circuit is based on multiple forms of Tantra yoga found in the Indian, Tibetan, and Hebrew sacred traditions. These forms of Tantra were originally part of the one teaching or original Tantra practiced thousands of years ago, before they were separated piece by piece into different traditions to preserve their sanctity and the transformative power that they hold.
Padma Aon Prakasha shares that ‘Tantra in this sense is the science of weaving all the aspects of yourself into a unified tapestry, circulating sound, light, breath, and loving sexual power throughout the universe of your body-mind and soul.
Padma Aon Prakasha’s experience is that ‘This is achieved through the medium of the Shakti Circuit, a technology held within us that connects and unifies our bodymind and soul with all of creation. The purpose of practicing the Shakti Circuit is to reveal the living experience within yourself of loving wisdom and blissful power: primordial creative unity.
Padma Aon Prakasha has been Initiated over the last thirteen years to bring the pieces of the eighteen pathways of the Shakti Circuit back together again. Padma Aon Prakasha’s journey has taken him to over sixty countries, to hundreds of sacred sites known and unknown, and to various teachers, most of whom are not known, some of whom don’t even have a name, and all of whom have no wish to be known in the world at large. It has been my role to be Initiated into multiple lineages, to meditate in Samadhi to receive the wisdom of these lineages, and then to share it in a form that is accessible and understandable for you today.
Padma Aon Prakasha shares that ”Lineage transmissions are not linear. After an authentic Initiation one’s life changes drastically, and one can receive, through the four stages of the science of sound, all the wisdom the lineage has accumulated over thousands of years. This transmission is authorized by the elders of a given tradition, many of whom may have passed on from their bodies into the spirit world.
( The 4 stages of the science of sound are in a new book by Padma Aon Prakasha)
Padma Aon Prakasha is an initiate of multiple sacred traditions which allows Padma Aon to experience the interconnections of all traditions, rather than just see it from an intellectual perspective. In India, the ability to learn is known as smriti and sruti: learning through tradition, and receiving wisdom through revelation after certain aspects of the tradition have been mastered.
Padma Aon Prakasha shares that ‘Once an Initiate is clear and beginning to teach the tradition, the mainstay of his or her material comes through authentic revelation in meditation. This is the basis of the Awakened sacred traditions. The more one teaches, the more the lineage gives to be shared. This is espe- cially true today, as all the mystical traditions are opening doors to their secrets in order to accelerate transformation in those who genuinely desire it, and who are committed to doing the deep inner work required to accomplish this noble goal.
Padma Aon Prakasha’s book is experiential: it is based on real transformative experiences that people have each time they delve into the Shakti Circuit. Each pathway works, and together they create the experience of spanda—the whole bodymind and soul vibrating in complete resonance with the wave of life. This is perhaps the simplest, yet most transformative expe- rience we can have of the nature of life itself.
Padma Aon Prakasha has used very few esoteric terms or spiritual jargon in this book. The eighteen pathways of the Shakti Circuit are nothing new. They are ancient yet timeless, and apply to all human beings, regardless of caste, color, race, or religion.
Padma Aon Prakasha shares that ”They have been practiced before and are held in many lineages, and thus have support from many lineages in their resurfacing again in the world. They are universal in nature, as they go to the core of creation and the human experience: Shakti, the feminine flow of life force, free, wild, without border or boundary, free of concept, ideation, and ideal. Simple and unique to each person, Shakti can free you of need by allowing you to give. This is perhaps the greatest gift of all.
Taken from Padma Aon Prakasha’s book: The Power of Shakti.